Articles, Interviews, Features, Profiles, Events, Travels
Tejas Desai has been featured and interviewed in many publications about The Brotherhood Chronicle, The Human Tragedy, The New Wei, his literary influences, his childhood in NYC, his work as a librarian, and his continuing worldwide travels. He has authored many articles on the state of the literary world and is working on a book about the indie arts scene in NYC.
Selected Articles by Tejas Desai:
"Reflections on India" (Medium)
"Cassidy's Circus: Confessions and the NYC Underground Literary Scene" (
"The Light Side of the Moon: Scarlett Taylor's Veil" in The New Wei (
"Self-Publishing as a Means to My Own Literary Revolution" in Publishing Perspectives
"A Multicultural Writer's Dilemma" in Neworld Review
"America Lacks Multicultural Literature" in the Huffington Post
"Faulkner on the Subway" in Three Guys One Book
Selected Features and Articles about Tejas Desai:
"He Must Bend the Rules" in Literary Titan
"Giving Indie Authors a Voice" in American Libraries
"Out of the Box Programming: An Interview with Tejas Desai" in the NYLA Voice
"Oxford Alumni Authors Feature: January 2021 Edition" in University of Oxford North American Alumni Site
"Alumnus Pursues Dual Career as Writer-Librarian" in QView
"Bestselling Author Tejas Desai on Success, Storytelling and Social Media" in Thrive Global
"You Just Have To Read This..." in Wesleyan News
"Author Tejas Desai Opens Up About His Bestselling Book The Dance Towards Death" in USA Reformer
"Bestselling Author Tejas Desai Takes us Deep into the World of International Crime" in The American Reporter
"Flushing Author Pens Compelling Sequel After Life-Changing Pandemic Experience" in QNS
"Bestselling Author Tejas Desai Discusses his Latest Book The Dance Towards Death" in The Vistek
"The Brotherhood: Author Tejas Desai Completes his #1 Selling Trilogy" in The Wave
"Best-selling author Tejas Desai Talks The Dance Towards Death" in Digital Journal
"Delving into the Mystery that is Bestselling Novelist Tejas Desai" in California Herald
"Bestselling Novelist Tejas Desai Opens Up About His Thought Provoking Book The Brotherhood" in Buzzfeed
"Bestselling Novelist Tejas Desai Discusses The Brotherhood Chronicle Series" in the NYK Daily
"Bestselling Author Tejas Desai Discusses His Breakout Series, The Brotherhood Chronicle" in the London Post
"Going Deep with Bestselling Author Tejas Desai about His International Crime Series and More" in the LA Post-Examiner
"Chatting with Bestselling Author Tejas Desai about his Breakout Novel The Brotherhood" in The New York Journal
"Novelist Tejas Desai discusses his new thriller The Run and Hide" on QPTV with Gary Scudero
"Flushing Author's Mystery Book Series Keeps Readers Guessing" in the Queens Courier
"An American Duty" Truth to Power Show Interview on Radio Free Brooklyn with Poet Vijay R. Nathan
Fundraising Video Interview on The Brotherhood Chronicle by The New Wei
QPTV Interview with Gary Scudero on his Talents Unlimited Show:
Part I
Part II
Part III
"Being American" Truth to Power Show Interview on Radio Free Brooklyn with Poet Vijay R. Nathan
Traveler's 411 Radio Interview with Stephanie Abrams (about 24 minutes in)
Behind the Words Radio Interview with Lori Hays of Authors on the Air
Total Education Network Radio Interview with the Total Tutor Neil Haley
Q&A with W3 Sidecar
Interview with a Queens Fiction Author with Matthew Allison
An Interview with Tejas Desai with Vault of Books (great interview, but currently offline)
An Interview with Tejas Desai by Generasian, NYU's Asian-American Magazine
The author has read from his books and given author talks throughout the country. NYC venues include KGB Bar, Guerrilla Lit Series, Sunday Salon, Oh Bernice! Reading Series, CUNY Turnstyle Reading Series, Jamaica Center Reading Series, the Queens Library and the Queens Book Festival. He has exhibited at Book Expo, AWP Conference (Seattle, Boston etc.), NYC Poetry Festival and the Brooklyn Book Festival. He delivered the lectures "Disseminating Multicultural Works Through Self-Publishing" at the NYLA Conference and "Revolutionizing Multicultural Literature" at the Queens College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. He has spoken at many venues including the
Langston Hughes Literary Arts Festival, his alma mater The Bronx High School of Science, the NYLA, ALA LibLearnX, ALA Annual Conferences and many others.
As a librarian, he has worked at the busiest libraries in the world, including Queens Central Library, Bayside, and Corona, bringing passion and innovative initiatives everywhere he goes. He is currently a Supervising Librarian at the Cambria Heights Community Library in NYC and Vice President/President Elect of NYLA-ESRT. He was formerly at the
Corona Community Library where he ran the
Symposium Book Club and oversaw various initiatives at one of the busiest community libraries in NYC. He also worked for many years at the Queens Central Library. His achievements and contributions to librarianship are detailed on his
Linkedin Page. These include a
Self-Publishing Resources Page he created (currently offline), and a Writer's Workshop he taught for two years, culminating in the
Queens Noir Author Event. He has created a wide range of programs including film series, fiction and poetry readings, e-publishing workshops, and much more, working with organizations such as Asian American Writers Workshop and Poet's House, among others. His programming ideology for ethnic communities has been published in the volume
Connecting Cultures. His thesis for his MLS, "20th Century Novels: A Content Analysis" is available at Queens College's Rosenthal Library, as is the first draft of "The Brotherhood," which was his thesis for his MFA in Creative Writing and Literary Translation.
The author has dabbled in film as an actor, assistant director and production assistant. His IMDB profile is available
here. In 2012, he directed an amateur book trailer for The Brotherhood, available on
Youtube and
Vimeo. He has also written detailed film screenplay treatments, including "The Descent of Tom Riddle" (2007), and a play called "Bequest" (2008). He won awards in college and high school for his short stories and poetry. He is a graduate of Wesleyan University, CUNY-Queens College, and The Bronx High School of Science. He studied abroad at the University of Oxford.
Tejas Desai is a frequent worldwide traveler. This includes his Road Trips Across America, and his adventures throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and South America over the last 25+ years. He documents these adventures on his primary
Facebook page and will eventually write a book about his journeys. He also uses
Goodreads and
Upcoming Events and Selected Appearances since 2018: